A List of the Fables
- The Frogs & the Ox
- Belling the Cat
- The Town Mouse & the Country Mouse
- The Fox & the Grapes
- The Wolf & the Crane
- The Lion & the Mouse
- The Gnat & the Bull
- The Plane Tree
- The Owl & the Grasshopper
- The Oak & the Reeds
- The Crow & the Pitcher
- The Two Goats
- The Wild Boar & the Fox
- The Heron
- The Fox & the Stork
- The Stag & His Reflection
- The Cock & the Fox
- The Fox & the Goat
- The Fox & the Leopard
- The Frog & the Mouse
- The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
- The Eagle & the Beetle
- The Mother & the Wolf
- The Hare & the Tortoise
- The Dog & His Reflection
- The Fox & the Crow
- The Ant & the Dove
- The Man & the Satyr
- The Hare & His Ears
- The Fisherman & the Little Fish
- The Wolf & the Kid
- The Tortoise & the Ducks
- The Young Crab & His Mother
- The Dog, the Cock, & the Fox
- The Eagle & the Jackdaw
- The Boy & the Filberts
- Hercules & the Wagoner
- The Kid & the Wolf
- The Bundle of Sticks
- The Ass & His Driver
- The Oxen & the Wheels
- The Shepherd Boy & the Wolf
- The Farmer & the Stork
- The Sheep & the Pig
- The Travelers & the Purse
- The Lion & the Ass
- The Frogs Who Wished for a King
- The Wolf & His Shadow
- The Rat & the Elephant
- The Boys & the Frogs
- The Ants & the Grasshopper
- The Ass Carrying the Image
- A Raven & a Swan
- The Ass & the Load of Salt
- The Lion & the Gnat
- The Leap at Rhodes
- The Cock & the Jewel
- The Monkey & the Camel
- The Ass, the Fox, & the Lion
- The Birds, the Beasts, & the Bat
- The Lion, the Bear, & the Fox
- The Wolf & the Lamb
- The Wolf & the Sheep
- The Hares & the Frogs
- The Travelers & the Sea
- The Wolf & the Lion
- The Peacock
- The Mice & the Weasels
- The Wolf & the Lean Dog
- The Fox & the Lion
- The Dog & his Master's Dinner
- The Vain JackDaw & his Borrowed Feathers
- The Monkey & the Dolphin
- The Wolf & the Ass
- The Monkey & the Cat
- The Dogs & the Fox
- The Dogs & the Hides
- The Rabbit, the Weasel, & the Cat
- The Bear & the Bees
- The Dog in the Manger
- The Wolf & the Goat
- The Ass & the Grasshoppers
- The Mule
- The Cat, the Cock, & the Young Mouse
- The Wolf & the Shepherd
- The Peacock & the Crane
- The Farmer & the Cranes
- The Farmer & His Sons
- The Two Pots
- The Goose & the Golden Egg
- The Fighting Bulls & the Frog
- The Mouse & the Weasel
- The Farmer & the Snake
- The Sick Stag
- The Goatherd & the Wild Goats
- The Spendthrift & the Swallow
- The Cat & the Birds
- The Dog & the Oyster
- The Astrologer
- Three Bullocks & a Lion
- Mercury & the Woodman
- The Fox & the Crab
- The Serpent & the Eagle
- The Bull & the Goat
- The Old Lion & the Fox
- The Man & the Lion
- The Ass & the Lap Dog
- The Milkmaid & Her Pail
- The Wolf & the Shepherd
- The Goatherd & the Goat
- The Miser
- The Wolf & the House Dog
- The Fox & the Hedgehog
- The Bat & the Weasels
- The Quack Toad
- The Fox Without a Tail
- The Mischievous Dog
- The Rose & the Butterfly
- The Cat & the Fox
- The Boy and the Nettles
- The Old Lion
- The Fox & the Pheasants
- Two Travelers & a Bear
- The Porcupine & the Snakes
- The Fox & the Monkey
- The Flies & the Honey
- The Eagle & the Kite
- The Stag, the Sheep, & the Wolf
- The Animals & the Plague
- The Shepherd & the Lion
- The Bees & Wasps, & the Hornet
- The Lark & Her Young Ones
- The Cat & the Old Rat
- The Ass & His Shadow
- The Miller, His Son, & the Ass
- The Wolf, the Kid, and the Goat
- The Swallow & the Crow
- Jupiter & the Monkey
- The Lion, the Ass, & the Fox
- The Lion's Share
- The Mole & His Mother
- The North Wind & the Sun
- The Wolves & the Sheep
- The Cock & the Fox
- The Ass in the Lion's Skin
- The Fighting Cocks & the Eagle